Risk analisys

Protect your business from cyber risks. Check which IT risks your company is exposed to, monitor the circulation of your company data on the dark web and keep the situation under control at all times. Take action in advance and request analysis and study of the potential cyber attacks and risks to which your internet business is exposed. If you are not our customer and would like to carry out an in-depth analysis of your systems, you can request our security audit service.

In this way you will get a report that will show you the current exposure to cyber risk of your company, your website and your online business. with details of vulnerabilities on domains, services, e-mails and the comparison with other companies.


Following our audit, if required, you can count on our support to intervene on the vulnerabilities detected and to deal with any data theft and breaches of company systems.

Recovery solutions

Has your business already suffered a cyber attack, with data loss, system tampering and damage to business continuity?

Rely on us to assess the exposure to damage, and the possible interventions to restore the activities, with the possible recovery of the stolen data.

If a cyber attack has occurred, it will be possible to evaluate the possible damage and the possibility of restoring normal business activities. An audit will therefore be made of the attack suffered, any losses and possible remedies.


Later, if requested, you can count on our support to intervene on the application of the suggested remedies to restore normal business activity.

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